Volunteer Opportunities
One Voice For Toledo
ETFC is collaborating with neighborhood resident groups, service agencies/organizations, churches, schools, government entities and businesses to create a healthy and sustainable community for all stakeholders in East Toledo. The center is knitting together the community by identifying the common needs in East Toledo by working with residents and other stakeholders. The needs range from safety concerns, blighted properties and lack of youth programming opportunities. Community volunteers are working to create a “whole community” way or thinking or “One Voice for East Toledo”. To learn more or become a part of the efforts, call Gary at 419-704-9689, email gmlenhart@gmail.com or like One Voice for East Toledo on Facebook.
Navarre Park Health Center
What We Care For!
Children 0 to 3 years old
Programs such as
Early Head Start, Help Me Grow-Home Visiting, Help Me Grow-Service Coordination,
Home Visiting programs and Shots for Tots!
Programs such as athletics, recreation, education, clubs, and more! CLICK HERE for more information.
Resources for everyone such as Navarre Park Health Center, and WIC.